Picture of Ayla Akin

Ayla Akin

Ayla is leadership development and transformational coach. Her passion is helping leaders unleash their personal power, heal by meeting their inner obstacles and come back to leading from and integration of heart and mind

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She strongly believes in authentic and connective Leadership being the vessel for success of the Companies where every single employee is thriving, fulfilled and contributing to collective success.

Ayla is computer science engineer with over 30 years of experience in corporate IT. For last 15 years of her corporate career she held executive management roles. In 2010, she left corporate career and founded her company “ArteVis - Integrative Leadership Development” with commitment to help Humanize corporate life.

She is accredited ICF (PCC) coach, trained in different developmental and coaching modalities (Narrative Coaching, Systemic Team Coaching, Integrative Development, Trauma informed coaching, Somatic coaching, etc.)