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Training for experienced practitioners with Nicholas Janni


Introducing Nicholas Janni's Transformational Coaching training for practitioners. The new cohort will be starting in autumn 2025.

We are at a critical juncture in the evolution of humanity. It is an extraordinary time to be alive.

This training creates the foundational platform for you to develop the capacities needed to do essential transformational work with clients, catalysing a process of ‘wake up’ – a wake up and liberation from the prevailing culture that has normalised disconnection and absence, in order for more and more people to become beacons and agents of Coherence, Light and Hope.

This means initiating processes of Awakening and Healing in your clients, and therefore means giving everything to making the embodiment of those pillars in yourself your highest priority.

The more you will do so, the more you will become part of the growing global movement of birthing an entirely new culture.


While supported by a scaffolding of key conceptual frameworks, transformational work requires us to perceive, access and work directly with a person’s whole energetic structure of body, mind, heart and soul.

It takes at its starting point the core messages of all the mystical traditions, confirmed now by decades of the new sciences: 

  • That everything is dependent on vibration and frequency.
  • That the core nature of Reality is Unity and Infinite Light.
  • That all the levels of our identification as separate selves are veils that obscure the Unity.

While some of the great traditions bring a path in which our journey home require us to ascend beyond the veils into the Light, this work aligns with those who believe that the Light needs to come right down here, into the very cells of our bodies.

The training opens the possibility of working at matrix levels of reality by coming from the vibrational frequency of heart-centred Oneness. This opens the field for shifts that are far deeper and quicker than the linear mind could ever generate, or even comprehend.

Our thinking mind plays a backseat role, and we repeatedly support clients to drop the habit of endless ‘narrative’ about their process and their lives, and come into a much more direct and embodied experience.

Learning to operate from much deeper and wider openness is the central pillar of the training. It is a process akin to initiation into higher levels of perception, embodied heart presence, and radically unconditional embrace.

In that context, we invite all participants to understand that your own process of development must become first priority, and that the training offers various support modalities for that.

Your development, as with that of your clients, will be rooted in an extensive relationship with the two pillars of Awakening and Healing. The levels of our capacity to work in depth with clients will always be directly and only correlated to our own inner work

  • Awakening into progressively higher levels of non-dual awareness and Oneness.
  • Healing of the core personal, ancestral and karmic limiting patterns we carry.

The Programme Structure

  • The programme will be limited to 30 participants

  • Starting in autumn 2025, 6 online meetings on two consecutive days (i.e. 12 days), each 4 hours with Nicholas. Once a month. 48 hours in total

  • 5 Mentoring/check-in online meetings in small groups, 90 minutes, led by senior Matrix coaches. 7.5 hours per participant in total

  • Practice triads, to meet at least once a month

  • 5 individual 1:1 Matrix Sessions during the 6 months with senior Matrix coaches. These 30 minute sessions, created by Nicholas, are a uniquely powerful way to very quickly connect with and directly address issues arising internally. You will book these directly through our website.

  • Access to participants only online space including recordings, additional tutorials, Q&As and other specific content

  • The schedule will be announced at the beginning of March 2025.

Programme content

Through the training you will:

  • Gain a new understanding of the multi-level composition of the human being, the impact of childhood, intergenerational and collective patterning and how precise work with energy is the vehicle for the deepest transformation.
  • Learn to use the precision of language like an ‘acupuncture needle’ and to work with an exquisite integration of heart and uncompromising clarity.
  • Learn and practice constantly evolving new competencies of spacious awareness and unconditional Presence, gaining effortless access to multiple levels of ‘information’.
  • Discover what it means to ‘listen with your whole body’ and to align yourself fully with a client’s inner processes.
  • Learn how to perceive a client’s deepest essence and highest potential, and hold the vibrational frequency for this to unfold.
  • Deepen both your own healing/integration journey and your access to progressively higher levels of non-separate, non-dual consciousness.
  • Understand the power of meditation as a coaching discipline and take your own meditation practice to new levels.
  • Work from an increasingly ‘surrendered’ space, beyond your control or ‘cleverness’, residing with ease and absolute trust in the purest ‘unknowing’.
  • Develop your capacity to reside as unshakeable Stillness in the centre of whatever storms arise.
  • Become a vessel for the ‘miracle field’.
  • Take responsibility for being a ‘teacher’ as well as a coach for your clients.

The training will allow you to hold the space for, stimulate and guide fundamental developmental changes in the energetic core of a person’s body-mind matrix.

Start your transformational journey now

I want to join the autumn 2025 Cohort